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                Current position:HOME > Industry > Inchcape furniture


                Zhejiang Yingjie Furniture Co., Ltd. is located in Pinghu Economic Development Zone, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, covers an area of more than 70 acres, is a set design, production, sales, office, hotel, residential furniture in an integrated enterprise, And the quality of technology continue to blaze new trails, the company depending on the quality of products for the enterprise life, focus on building corporate brand culture, and constantly improve the management system to follow the international management philosophy, has passed the ISO9001 international quality certification and ISO14001 environmental management system certification, green products Quality certification (ISO14024), GB / T28001: 2001 occupational health and safety management system certification, and was named the national Mianjian products and Zhejiang Province, environmental protection furniture brand-name products.

                The company is determined to make progress, the introduction of high-tech talent, a combination of Chinese and Western cultural characteristics, technical performance, beautiful and durable, simple style, and repeatedly won the China Furniture Association and Zhejiang Furniture Association awarded the honorary certificate. The company's main products for the hotel, apartments, villas fixed furniture and activities furniture: decorative wood finishes, soft bags, into the doors and windows and beds, desk, book chairs, sofa, coffee table and all wood products. Office furniture: desk, staff Taiwan, bookcases, conference tables, screens, office sofas, chairs, steel (wood) file cabinet and so on. Companies focus on quality, environmental protection as the core vigorously promote the environmental protection of furniture products, the existing domestic maximum environmental standards for the E1 level, the company's industrial production of wood products furniture has reached the highest environmental standards in Europe E0 level.

                Company key cooperative enterprises: China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, gold mantis decoration company, Shanghai City Investment Group, Shanghai Dahua Group.